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Writer's pictureRev Alicia Teo

1 May 2021 Word by Honorary Pastor Rev Alicia Teo

Today's Inspiration: As in the days when you come out of the land of Egypt, I will show them wonders. Micah 7:15. How many miracles have God shown you? He is the same yesterday today and forever. Hebrews 13:8. God will again have compassion on our folly and subdue our iniquities. Micah 7:19. Let His light shine on you and through you again.

Do not fear. Whatever you fear will not come to you. Fear gives access to the enemy. Guard your heart and your thoughts. Recognize who you are and put on the full armor of God. The armor is to let the enemy know that behind the armor is the strength and shield of the Lord. If you give up easily, you are in agreement with the enemy and your life will bear no fruit.

Having a closer walk with God shuts the door to the enemy. When you are on the side of God you will emerge a spiritual champion like Joshua. Joshua's success is attributed to his meditation of His word day and night which caused him to have the right warfare strategy at the right time and at the right place. Positioning yourself in worship to receive miracles and leaving mistakes of the past behind but retaining the lessons learnt in your mind hinder the work of the enemy. When you allow the Holy spirit to lead you and guide you, you will not be affected by the temptations of the enemy.

Do not leave room for the devil to plant lies to you as in Ephesians 4:27 but allow the Holy Spirit to help you to get out of the mess so you can turn the mess to a message that may touch another person's life to set him free. Every self-destructive thought has its origin in the enemy. When the Holy spirit is strong in your life, He will show you the tactics of the enemy and ways to successfully kick him out of your life. Don't entertain thoughts that are contrary to God's word which make you more than conquerors. Romans 8:37. The last commandment is not to covet. Covetousness is idolatry. So avoid the whispering of temptation of the enemy by applying His written word in Philippians 4:6-9.

The Lord is at hand so do not be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your petition be known to God so that His peace will flow into your hearts and minds to guard them in Christ Jesus our Lord. It's this peace that calms our fears that will lead us to victory in Christ Jesus our Lord. This peace is a deep abiding peace beyond understanding. Meditate only on those things that are of virtue, praiseworthy and Good report. The important key in times of conflict is to be at peace with God and with all men to resolve issues that are under contention.

Forgiveness is another fundamental key to guard your fortress well to avoid infiltration of the enemy. Thirdly now is not the time to boast of self-righteousness, or to point fingers but come in unity to fight the common enemy in Jesus’ name.

Prayer: Lord help me to focus on things above and not on things below which are futile. When we focus on Jesus, we see a loving compassionate person whose words align with the word of God to set us free. May I be mindful not to use my own language in resolving conflicts especially but speak God's word from my spirit that is full of gentleness and peace. May I be able to understand the knowledge of the mystery of God both the Father and Christ in whom are all hidden the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. In Christ Jesus, Amen.

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