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18 November 2020 Word by Honorary Pastor Rev Alicia Teo

Today's Inspiration: We need to acknowledge the fact that we can never achieve anything by our own means but by the right hand and the arm of God and by the light of His countenance once we enter into His favor. Psalm 44:3. We need to know that we were formed by God for a calling and to remember our humble beginning.

King Saul's jealousy on the man who redeemed his dignity from the Philistines, overpowered him to fail the test of the Lord. He was appreciative of David and made him commander of his army and accepted him into his house in the beginning but when the woman sang praises about David's achievement exceeding his, the love for David turned to hatred. We must be careful of burning bridges that brought us over. God gives us opportunities but if we fail to use those opportunities, He will not offer us again because He refused to throw pearls before swine. God has enough of King Saul's practice of doing wrong and then make sacrifices to God in atonement. This is what some of us do. God knows the intentions of each heart. God had enough of his wrong doing too often and send Samuel to rebuke him in 1 Samuel 15:22-23 for rebellion against His word and will. David on the other hand pleases God by always singing praises to Him that He is a merciful and gracious God slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. Psalm 103:8-9.

Do not envy people's successes. If we do, we have a serious problem with ourselves. God can give us privileges but He can also take them away. King Saul lost all that He had, his friends, his supporters and even his health, mind and eventually his life. What a tragic end to those who are filled with much jealousy, resentment, anger and hatred!

Jesus has redeemed us from all our sins but we need to ensure that we do not fall away to sins of the flesh again as temptation and testing are real and gnaw at our bones. Instead renew our thoughts that God has called us to a greater destiny. So do not succumb to sins of the flesh. God be praised.

Prayer: Abba Father grant me the grace to live a life worthy of You free from all sins of the flesh. Let me be always an instrument of praise and righteousness to all those You bring to my path. Amen.

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