Today‘s Inspiration: “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”Ephesians 4:29 NIV. Evangelism requires not just zeal, fire and passion for Christ but the love, touch and empathy of our Messiah. Many a times our intentions were good but our delivery failed. Why? We cannot minister to a soul out of our own knowledge, words and perception.

Christ didn’t save the world by seating at His throne but came down on earth as the Word in the Flesh to where we live, to be tested, trialed and triumphant over the devil, death, and diseases at the Cross of Calvary, bringing love, faith and hope to all who believed in Him. John 3:16. To minister to our family, we have to first come to Christ. It is through Christ we are redeemed and can feel the hurts, pain, and sufferings of others. A regenerated life is one with the attitude, behaviour and character of Christ. We minister not out of self but out of Christ in our life, not out of our context but the mentee’s context. Never compare ourselves to those who we minister to but to direct them to Christ. The life of Christ brings new wisdom, knowledge and understanding to our communication daily. Glory to God!
Prayer: O Lord my God, teach and guide me to speak to people for their strengthening, encouraging and comfort. May the fruit of the spirit be upon my mouth and the harvest of souls be on my lips. Let the power of your word brings life, love, and liberty to all who are weak and weary for it is with you, we find true rest. Sanctify my tongue and use my mouth to worship, glorify and praise your Holy Name, in Jesus' Name, Amen.