Today's Inspiration: Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants, He has ordained strength that you may silence the enemy. How excellent is His name in all the Earth! Psalm 8:1-2. Sometimes we wonder how mindful God is watching over us! Even though we are made a little lower than angels, He is crowning us with glory and honor. Psalm 8:5.

Behind every successful person is a dream. Although the dreams do not seem to be a reality, they are visions to accomplish His will and His purpose in our lives. Therefore it is important for us to structure our lives as we prioritize our time and energy as we pray. As we pray, we need to plan how to develop our goals and the strategies to accomplish our vision. Commit your plans to God. Proverbs 16:3.
Do not allow the busyness of life to replace your time with God and your time in listening to the Holy Spirit. Do not allow mistakes or failures of the past and lack of discipline in devotion paralyze you from what the Lord has for you today. If you don't control your time and seize opportunities someone else will.
Moses' calling was pushed back 40 years because he had no knowledge of God nor understood the power of God. He based on His own strength and ability to deliver the Israelites. Till you seek God daily, communing with Him on your plans to align with His, life comes to a standstill; launching you into the wilderness.
Do not doubt or you will fail to begin the work. Nehemiah did not see the task too big to accomplish but seek God how to get the task going and the protection he needs. His confidence in God to grant success for the commission led him to successful accomplishment of a mission and a structure of the kingdom plan. The enemy was his least concern because his desire to accomplish the plan for God and his desire to please God believing and trusting in Him took priority. He just declared one word before he launched out that it's not him who will succeed the mission but it's God who grant him success. Nehemiah 2:20. Unless you have faith, you will not have confidence to launch out. Do not doubt what God can do through you.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for the open doors. Lead me and guide me to the ways You want me to follow and let my faith magnetize my listeners to Your plans for me. Even my faith is as small as a mustard seed, I can move mountains with Your power in Jesus name. Amen