“And when He had removed him (Saul), He raised up David to be their king: of him He testified and said, ‘I HAVE FOUND DAVID the son of Jesse, A MAN AFTER MY OWN HEART [conforming to My will and purposes], who will do all My will.’” Acts 13:22 AMP
Obedience is better than sacrifice. 1 Samuel 15:22. God is looking for a Heart that pursues His calling, will and purposes. Are you that Heart? It was not David who found God but it was God who found David, who was faithful like his mum and serving the Lord. Psalm 86:16. Whose heart are you after or where does your heart reside? Career, business, positions, riches, fame, or attention from others? Don’t be like Saul who always see problems bigger than God, but be like David who knows God is bigger than the bear, the lion and Goliath.
Let’s pray in this season jointly to move in God’s mandate, will and purposes. Be filled with His Holy Spirit and Fire for ministry, missions and movements of God to bring healing, restoration and reconciliation to many families, saving their souls.
To God be the glory!
Love Always,
Pastor Darien Choo
Senior Pastor
29 November 2020