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The Renewal of God

Updated: 2 days ago

The world does glory for themselves but a servant leader does all things for the Glory of God. So whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. Colossians‬ ‭3‬:‭17.‬ A selfless life is true renewal of one’s Spirit in humility, obedience, and teachability.

When we help others, it gives us an opportunity to reveal Christ and for the gospel to shine out of our spirituality to the lost, the least and the last. When we renew our minds through the Word of God, He makes us as a new wineskin for new wine. Praise God!

To God be the Glory! 

With Love Always,

Pastor Darien Choo

Senior Pastor

29 September 2024

Breakthrough Verse of the Month - September 2024

“Behold! My Servant whom I uphold, My Elect One in whom My soul delights! I have put My Spirit upon Him; He will bring forth justice to the Gentiles.” Isaiah‬ ‭42‬:‭1‬ ‭NKJV‬‬


Sunday Breakthrough Service at 10.30am. On-site / Preacher: Ps Darien Choo

Omega Kids is held onsite on alternate Sunday at 11.30am

Corporate Prayer meeting - 11 & 25 October, Friday @ 7.30pm (ZOOM)

Dunamis Lifegroup - 4 & 18 October, Friday. Serangoon LG @ 7.30pm / Tampines LG @ 8pm. Contact us at 67411502 for details.

Ladies Ablaze Fellowship (LAF) - 12 October 2024, Saturday @ 10.30am (ZOOM) / Preacher: Rev Beatrice Rajan

Bible Study class (Adults) - Sunday afternoon

Telegram Channel - Join us at 




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